My 101 Things in 1001 Days

The Mission:  Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:  Tasks must be specific (i.e. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (i.e. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?

Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Start Date: May 31, 2010. End Date: February 25, 2013. (Note: if you were to, for some reason, actually count these days, you might realize that it is more than 1001; however, I adjusted the timeline to account for the life-sucking power of law school).

The Key:

Not Started
In Progress
Accomplished (with the date)

School & Work & Big Kid Stuff

1. Graduate from law school (one more year to go!)

2. Get a big kid job

3. Go an entire class period with my laptop without getting on the Internet

4. Know the issues and vote in an election

5. Go to 5 ADPi alum meetings/events

6. Create living will


7. Visit 10 local museums (2/10)

8. Go to Royals game (5/11/10)

9. Go to Chiefs game

10. Go to T-Bones game (5/31/10)

11. Go to Mavericks game (11/13/10)

12. Go to Wizards game (7/25/10)

13. Go to KU basketball game at AFH

14. Go to KU or MU football game (11/6/10)

15. Go to a rodeo

16. Go to Shakespeare in the Park and stay for the whole thing

17. Go on brewery tour (6/13/10)

18. Tailgate (5/11/10)

19. Wine tasting (8/8/10)

20. Copycat something crafty (7/31/10)

21. Go on a hike

22. Go ice skating

23. Learn to play a new game (9/24/10)

24. Learn to play chess

Helping Others & Relationships

25. Donate $1000 to charity

26. Volunteer 100 hours (non-barbecue)

27. Donate blood

28. Find a way to use my legal skills & knowledge to help someone

29. Make a micro loan through

30. Watch someone’s kid for free so parents can have an afternoon free/date night

31. By Christmas presents for a needy child/family

32. Send a “just because” care package to a friend

33. Write a love letter every month (6/34)

34. Write a letter to someone every month for a year

35. Send someone flowers

Body, Health, Beauty & Fashion

36. Go for a month without drinking alcohol

37. Lose 20lbs (12 lbs lost)

38. Eat vegetarian for a week

39. Buy a designer purse/bag

40. Clean out closet once a season

41. Buy and wear a pair of bright colored heels

42. Get a manicure/pedicure (5/28/10)

43. No fast food for a month

44. Get a daring (for me at least) haircut

45. Own a diamond ring (right or left hand)

46. Learn to do my own eye makeup

47. Work out 5 days a week for 6 weeks

48. Run a 5K

49. Attend an exercise/yoga class

50. Fast for a day

Just Because

51. Get a professional massage

52. Get an iPhone

53. Kiss in the rain (5/10/10)

54. Build a snowman/woman/animal

55. Bake & decorate a really cute cake/cupcakes

56. Host a Christmas cookie exchange

57. Get ADPi t-shirt quilt made

58. Make 5 different flavors of vodka (3/5)

59. Have professional pictures taken (9/18/10)

60. Buy a lottery ticket

61. Bake and decorate a gingerbread house

62. Plant a lilac bush

63. Learn to play at least 1 song on the guitar

64. Memorize a poem

65. Keep a plant alive for 3 months

66. Get a dog

67. Finish captioning my JYA photo albums (two left)

Expanding my Horizons

68. Cook 50 new dishes

69. Try 25 new beers

70. Read 50 books

71. Watch 100 movies

72. Eat at 50 new restaurants

73. Try some food/beverage that I am sure that I won’t like (5/16/10)

74. Talk to a stranger

75. Go to 10 different local festivals/events/parades

Money & Finances

76. Buy a house/condo

77. Save $5,000

78. Do my own taxes without help

79. Pay off credit card every month for a year

80. Make a budget and follow it for 2 months

81. Save more money than I spend at the grocery store (5/20/10)

82. Spend only cash for a week

Jet Setting

83. Leave the country

84. Go on a road trip

85. Watch the sunset somewhere pretty

86. Watch the sunrise somewhere pretty

87. See the mountains

88. Go to the beach

89. Go camping

90. Visit a friend out of town

Faith & Spirit

91. Read the Bible (cover to cover)

92. Go to Mass (5/29/10)

93. Give up something for Lent

94. Identify 101 things that make me happy

95. Write in my journal every day for a month

96. Overcome a fear

97. Say “no” to something I really don’t have time to do (6/17/10)

98. Say “yes” to something I really don’t want to do but should do anyway (5/28/10)

99. Avoid the Internet on the weekends for a month

100. Reconnect with 10 old friends

101. No TV for a week